Monday, November 8, 2010

Well, darn.

It turns out that I signed up to be a Christmas Warrior too late and that all the children were all spoken for. Now, that of course is something to CELEBRATE!!! I'm just sad I don't get to be one. Oh well, there's always next year, I suppose! I still want to do something special for one of these children for the holiady season, in lieu of gifts for myself that I don't need. I'm incredibly blessed and don't need much. These children need so much, I only feel right trying to do something for them.

I'm thinking of sticking with the child I had originally signed up to Warrior for and advocate for him this holiday season. I mean, there can't be harm in raising awareness and more funds for him, right? Let me know what you all think. I don't want to step on toes!

Also, do you guys see the picture of little Carson on my sidebar? Isn't he just the most precious thing you have ever seen?! Oh, how I love him. My heart just filled up when I laid eyes on him for the first time. There is just something so special about that boy. I pray hard that he finds a family soon! He needs one, guys. Spread the word and click his adorable face to learn more and grab his button. I just wish I could bring him home myself!

That's all for now- I hope everyone is having a great start to the work week!


margaret said...

Kayla thank you soooo much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet words. You seem to have a beautiful heart and I just KNOW you were put on Earth for a special purpose. Keep following your dreams and making a difference!!! Much love xo

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