Sunday, November 21, 2010

I have no words.

Except I really have a LOT of words for the idiocy of what I'm about to post.

I recently learned of a couple who is allowing the Internet to decide whether or not they should abort a will-be 20 week old baby or go ahead with the pregnancy. I learned about it at Gawker, which links to the site where they are posting updates on the pregnancy and mom's health. And right next to those ultrasound pictures, some of them 3D, is a poll asking whether or not they should continue with the pregnancy or have the child aborted.

I am absolutely appalled, to say the least. I feel helpless for this child, and so, so sad. But I'm also so, SO angry! How DARE they exploit their child like this, for a bit of Internet fame? I just don't see a happy ending. Either the child is aborted at 20 weeks- 20 WEEKS- or they grow up as the child that only had the Internet fighting for his/her life, and the Internet being the only reason they are alive. And of course adoption isn't even presented as an option, though there are families that would love that baby like there's no tomorrow.

I am disgusted by the things that humanity has become capable of. And I'm so heartbroken for the people who are hurt by these actions- especially the littlest, helpless people. The vote is currently 49.8% voting to give birth, 51.1% have an abortion.

I really, really hope this proves to be an elaborate scheme. But even if it does, I'm still saddened by how many people find it appropriate to abort a child, let alone one who has reached 20 weeks gestation. That, in my eyes, is simply murder. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Are you aware that about 90% of parents who are given a Down syndrome diagnosis for their unborn child choose to abort? That is madness. I pray that eyes are opened to what a gift these little ones are, these special children who were given an extra copy of chromosome 21.

I'm out of words. I'm just astonished... and sad.


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