Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hello all, I just wanted to make a quick post about the intention of this blog and a little about who I am.

I am a 23 year old, second year teacher in an urban district. I'm the oldest of three girls, an aunt to three little ones, and am blessed with many wonderful people in my life. I am a God-loving Christian. I am a scrapbooker, movie-lover, cat owner, laughter-seeking girl.

This blog will serve several purposes. The two main reasons I've chosen to start a blog are:

1) To document my time as a teacher, both for personal reflection and to reach out to other teachers, especially those who are new and/or struggling

2) To share with others my interest and passion for international adoption through Reece's Rainbow to bring home children with special needs who may not otherwise have a chance.

Now, some of you may think it's odd that a 23 year old girl who has no marriage in her foreseeable future to have adoption in her heart. Well, let me just say that I have been yearning for motherhood since I was 15, and maybe even before that. Yes, I know 15 is far too young to plan having a child. And I've waited, and I will continue to. But God has begun a stirring in me to do something. What that is, I don't know yet. But I do know that the RR children rarely leave my mind. Maybe I'm meant to advocate for them. Maybe I'm meant to spread awareness, raise funds to help bring them home. Maybe I'm meant to pray for them, pray that they find mamas and papas and forever families. Who knows, maybe the Lord is calling me to drop everything, move to Eastern Europe, and care for them in an orphanage. And maybe, just maybe, the Lord is beginning to open my heart to tell me that someday I am meant to be the mother of one or more of these special children. Who's to say but Him?

For now, I'll continue to follow blogs of RR families, read and weep with joy as they bring their children home, and try to hear what God has in store for me.


Hansina said...

You truly have a tender heart. The Lord is the one who has given it to you. Thank you for your prayers as we are adopting. Keep going! The families from RR need lots of prayer. Maybe you'll adopt a special child someday and we'll all be praying for you!

Hansina, mom to John-David

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